PHYC 302 Optics
To see me in my office, please make an appointment (call or email).Class meeting times: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 11:00- 12:15; Physics and Astronomy, Room 5
Textbook: Optics by Hecht (4th Edition). The course will cover Chapters 1-13.
Teaching Assistant: Zhou Yang
Pre-requisites: Calculus, Knowledge of Differential Equations, Complex Algebra, (Phys 152, 160 and 161).
Assignments: Homework problem sets will be assigned on a regular basis throughout the semester, most likely one set per week. The overall HW grade will count as 20% of the final.
Tests: There will be two in-class, closed-book tests (each counting 20% of final grade) at regular intervals during the semester and a comprehensive final exam (40% of final grade) at the end.
Tentative Test Dates (subject to change): Thursday February 26th and Thursday April 9th.
See deadlines for grade options. Final exam is currently scheduled for Tuesday May 12th, 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Grading: The final grade is weighted as follows:
Midterms: 20% each (40% total)
Final: 40%
Homework: 20%
Midterm Exam I
Thursday Feb. 26
- Introduction
- Waves (properties of harmonic waves, complex representation, superposition,..)
- Electromagnetic Theory of Light (basic laws, energy and momentum, photons, radiation spectrum, light-matter interaction, dispersion, ..)
- Propagation of Light (Fermat's principle, Fresnel laws of reflection and refraction, Maxwell's equations, ..)
- Geometric Optics (spherical surfaces, thin lenses, mirrors, imaging, prisms, fiberoptics, ray tracing, aberrations..)
- Optical Systems (human eye, camera, telescopes, microscopes,..)
- Wave Optics (superposition, wave packets, pulses, group velocity ..)
- Polarization of Light (polarizers, birefringence, waveplates, ..)
- Interference (principles, interferometers, single and multilayer films,..)
- Diffraction (Fraunhofer diffraction, Fresnel diffraction, implications for imaging systems..)
- Modern Optics (lasers, holography, ..)
Cool Sites
- History of Optics
- Optical Microscopy Primer (check it out: many applets)
- Human Eye
- General Physics Applets (nice applets)
- International School of Photonics (more cool applets)
- Why are those paintings so real?